
别名 酒石酸氧锑钾
CAS号 28300-74-5  ☒N
PubChem 16682736
ChemSpider 17214979
  • [K+].[K+].[H]O[H].[H]O[H].[H]O[H].O=C1O[Sb-]23OC1C1O[Sb-]4(OC(C(O2)C(=O)O3)C(=O)O4)OC1=O
  • 1S/2C4H4O6.2K.3H2O.2Sb/c2*5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10;;;;;;;/h2*1-2H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10);;;3*1H2;;/q2*-2;2*+1;;;;2*+3/p-4
EINECS 234-293-3
ChEBI 2761
KEGG C11340
化学式 K2Sb2(C4H2O6)2 · 3 H2O
摩尔质量 667.87 g·mol⁻¹
外观 白色晶体
密度 2.6 g/cm3
溶解性 8.3 g/100 mL(0 °C)
35.9 g/100 mL(100 °C)
警示术语 R:R20/22 R51/53
安全术语 S:S2 S61
欧盟分类 有害 Xn 有害环境物质 N
110 mg/kg
若非注明,所有数据均出自标准状态(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。

酒石酸锑钾(英語:Antimony potassium tartrate),又称酒石酸氧锑钾(英語:Potassium antimonyl tartrate),俗称吐酒石(英語:Tartar emeticEmetic tartar),化学式为K2Sb2(C4H2O6)2,为酒石酸复盐。酒石酸锑钾自古以来一直被用作一种强效的催吐剂;除此之外,它还曾被用于治疗血吸虫病利什曼病








英国医生John B. Christopherson于1918年发现了酒石酸锑钾能够治愈血吸虫病,在这之后它开始被广泛使用。[9][10][11] 但是,人们发现注射酒石酸锑钾能够引起十分严重甚至致命的副作用(如阿-斯综合征),[12]因此研究者开始寻找更好的替代药物。20世纪70年代吡喹酮的发现使得酒石酸锑钾等剂逐渐被停止使用。[13][14]


与所有锑化合物一样,酒石酸锑钾具有毒性。[15] 中毒的主要原因曾是药物过量;目前则多由误服引起:如曾有报道四人在食用由含酒石酸锑钾(误作酒石酸氢钾而掺入)的泡打粉制作的蛋糕后发生了严重中毒,其中一位93岁的中毒者死于多器官衰竭[16] 以及在中美洲有一位酗酒者在其妻子给其服用未知成分(后来得知为不纯的酒石酸锑钾)的“戒酒药”之后发生持续的呕吐,之后在重症监护病房中检测出严重的心脏肝脏肾脏功能异常并几乎因此而死亡。[17]




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  2. ^ Thomson, SC. Antimonyall Cupps: Pocula Emetica or Calices Vomitorii. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 1926, 19 (Sect Hist Med): 122.2–128. PMC 1948687可免费查阅. PMID 19985185. 
  3. ^ Weiss, S.; Hatcher, RA. The Mechanism of the Vomiting Induced by Antimony and Potassium Tartrate (Tartar Emetic). Journal of Experimental Medicine. 1922, 37 (1): 97–111. PMC 2128404可免费查阅. PMID 19868716. doi:10.1084/jem.37.1.97. 
  4. ^ Poulin, B.; Lefebvre, G. t.; McNeil, R. Effect and Efficiency of Tartar Emetic in Determining the Diet of Tropical Land Birds. The Condor. 1994, 96 (1): 98–104. JSTOR 1369067. doi:10.2307/1369067. 
  5. ^ Carlisle, J. D.; Holberton, R. L. Relative Efficiency of Fecal versus Regurgitated Samples for Assessing Diet and the Deleterious Effects of a Tartar Emetic on Migratory Birds. Journal of Field Ornithology. 2006, 77 (2): 126–135. JSTOR 27639314. doi:10.1111/j.1557-9263.2006.00032.x. 
  6. ^ Diamond, Antony W.; Fayad, V. C.; McKinley, Peter S. Commentary: Ipecac: An Improved Emetic for Wild Birds. Journal of Field Ornithology. 2007, 78 (4): 436–439. JSTOR 27715221. doi:10.1111/j.1557-9263.2007.00136.x. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Low, George C. The history of the use of intravenous injections of tartar emetic (Antimonium tartaratum) in tropical medicine. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1916, 10 (2): 37. doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(16)90068-3. 
  8. ^ Navarro, Maribel; Gabbiani, Chiara; Messori, Luigi; Gambino, Dinorah. Metal-based drugs for malaria, trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis: Recent achievements and perspectives. Drug Discovery Today. 2010, 15 (23–24): 1070–8. PMID 20974285. doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2010.10.005. 
  9. ^ Christopherson, J.B. The Successful Use of Antimony in Bilharziosis. The Lancet. 1918, 192 (4958): 325. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(01)02807-0. 
  10. ^ Crichton-Harris, Ann. Poison in small measure: Dr. Christopherson and the cure for bilharzia. 2009-07-15 [2012-08-13]. ISBN 978-90-04-17541-9. (原始内容存档于2019-06-14). 
  11. ^ Sabah, A.A.; Fletcher, Cathy; Webbe, G.; Doenhoff, M.J. Schistosoma mansoni: Chemotherapy of infections of different ages. Experimental Parasitology. 1986, 61 (3): 294–303. PMID 3086114. doi:10.1016/0014-4894(86)90184-0. 
  12. ^ T'AO, SC. Cardiac manifestations of the toxic action of potassium antimony tartrate in schistosomiasis patients: paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation.. Chinese medical journal (Peking, China : 1932). 1957-05, 75 (5): 365–78. PMID 13447130. 
  13. ^ Hagan, Paul. Schistosomiasis – a rich vein of research. Parasitology. 2009, 136 (12): 1611–9. PMID 19691867. doi:10.1017/S003118200999093X. 
  14. ^ Publishers, Bentham Science. The Antimonials. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 1996-10: 304–305 [2012-08-13]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-07). 
  15. ^ Winship, K. A. Toxicity of antimony and its compounds. Adverse drug reactions and acute poisoning reviews. 1987, 6 (2): 67–90. PMID 3307336. 
  16. ^ Lauwers, LF; Roelants, A; Rosseel, PM; Heyndrickx, B; Baute, L. Oral antimony intoxications in man.. Critical care medicine. 1990-03, 18 (3): 324–6. PMID 2302961. doi:10.1097/00003246-199003000-00017. 
  17. ^ Cabot, Richard C.; Harris, Nancy Lee; Shepard, Jo-Anne O.; Rosenberg, Eric S.; Cort, Alice M.; Ebeling, Sally H.; Peters, Christine C.; MacÍas Konstantopoulos, Wendy; Burns Ewald, Michele. Case 22-2012. New England Journal of Medicine. 2012, 367 (3): 259. doi:10.1056/NEJMcpc1111580. 
  18. ^ Knapp, Fr. Zur Bildungsgeschichte des Brechweinsteins. Annalen der Pharmacie. 1839, 32: 76. doi:10.1002/jlac.18390320107. 
