




为了收集样本,将拭子插入鼻孔并以适度力度向前移动到鼻咽,这是覆盖口腔顶部的部区域[9]。 然后将拭子旋转指定的时间段以收集分泌物,然后取出拭子并将其放入无菌病毒运输介质中,以保存样本以供后续分析[5][6]


在概念上与棉签类似,用于鼻咽采集的拭子由一根短塑料棒制成的细棒组成,其一端覆盖有吸附材料,例如棉、聚酯或植绒尼龙。 (一些拭子手柄由镍铬合金或不锈钢丝制成[3][10]。)用于特定诊断应用的拭子材料可能因测试类型而异。 一些研究表明,与纤维拭子相比,植绒拭子收集的样本材料体积更大[7][11]



  1. ^ Nasopharyngeal culture. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. [2021-05-09] (英语). 
  2. ^ Pavford, Tony; Pavord, Marcy. The Complete Equine Veterinary Manual. F+W Media. 2004-10-15 [2020-10-10]. ISBN 978-0-7153-1883-6. (原始内容存档于2020-08-06) (英语). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Mukherjee, Kanai L. Med Lab Tech Vol 2, 2/E. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. 2010-06-11: 97 [2020-10-10]. ISBN 978-0-07-007663-1. (原始内容存档于2020-08-06) (英语). 
  4. ^ Pertussis Specimen Collection. CDC. 2021-04-02 [2021-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-08) (美国英语). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Irving, S. A.; Vandermause, M. F.; Shay, D. K.; Belongia, E. A. Comparison of Nasal and Nasopharyngeal Swabs for Influenza Detection in Adults. Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012-11-01, 10 (4): 215–218. ISSN 1539-4182. PMC 3494547可免费查阅. PMID 22723469. doi:10.3121/cmr.2012.1084 (英语). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Influenza Specimen Collection (PDF). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. n.d. [25 March 2020]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-02-13). A nasopharyngeal (NP) swab is the optimal upper respiratory tract specimen collection method for influenza testing. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 McPherson, Richard A. Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods: First South Asia Edition_e-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. 2017-01-27: 1083 [2020-10-10]. ISBN 978-81-312-4677-1. (原始内容存档于2020-08-06) (英语). 
  8. ^ Organization, World Health. Laboratory testing for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in suspected human cases: interim guidance, 19 March 2020. 2020 [2020-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-17) (英语). 
  9. ^ Marty FM, Chen K, Verrill KA. How to Obtain a Nasopharyngeal Swab Specimen. The New England Journal of Medicine. 28 May 2020, 382 (22): e76 [20 September 2020]. PMID 32302471. doi:10.1056/NEJMvcm2010260可免费查阅. (原始内容存档于2022-11-22). 
  10. ^ Gritzfeld, J.F.; Roberts, P.; Roche, L.; et al. Comparison between nasopharyngeal swab and nasal wash, using culture and PCR, in the detection of potential respiratory pathogens. BMC Research Notes. 2011, 4. 122. PMC 3084159可免费查阅. PMID 21489228. doi:10.1186/1756-0500-4-122. 
  11. ^ Sing, S.K. (编). Human Respiratory Viral Infections. CRC Press. 2014: 166. ISBN 9781466583207.